From refreshing the bathroom to dealing with carpet stains, most cleaning jobs require a certain amount of time devoted to cleaning. However, you don’t have to handle all chores at once, losing numerous hours of cleaning. The smart way to organise your cleaning schedule is to complete a few quick cleaning jobs every day. Check these simple chores here:
- Make the bed – believe it or not, a picture-perfect bed goes a long way to improving the overall looks of your bedroom. No matter the style of the premise, a made bed is the way to keep the space warm and welcoming. Furthermore, it will take you no more than five minutes to make the bed. Deal with the task every morning, so that you can improve the vision of your bedroom and come home to a cosy premise.
- Declutter the hallway – while dealing with all the clutter at once may seem like a time-consuming chore, you shouldn’t declutter the hallway every day. Given the fact that it is items of daily use that are the greatest clutter-makers, take advantage of smart storage solutions to take control over hallway clutter. Shoes, umbrellas, gloves and similar items need to be well-organised in suitable drawers or freestanding baskets so that you can prevent chaos in the hallway. A few decorative hangers, for example, work wonders by minimising clutter and adding extra style in the hallway.
- Run the dishwasher daily – dirty dishes piling up in the kitchen sink certainly is not how a clean kitchen should look like, that’s why you need to take full advantage of your dishwasher. Once ready with your dinner, load the dishwasher with greasy plates and knives and leave it that way until the morning. On the next day run the dishwasher and as the cycle ends, empty the machine to get it ready for the next load of dishes.
- Keep bathroom vanity clean – to enjoy the freshness of your clean bathroom, don’t forget to clean the vanity before you leave the premises in the morning. Keep your brushes and makeup nicely organised in storage baskets and wipe vanity surfaces daily. You can keep a few reusable bamboo cotton cloths in the bathroom so that you wipe surfaces in a flash.
- Get a handheld vacuum – this may look like an investment you are unwilling to make now, yet a light handheld vacuum cleaner will help you to address small messes on time. Instead of dragging your heavy vacuum cleaner with you whenever a tiny accident occurs, purchase a light cordless alternative to save time and effort. Use your new cleaning tool for quick clean-ups like going over high-traffic areas or collecting crumbs after breakfast.
- Take out the trash – you don’t want stinky trash compromising the fresh air in your kitchen, that’s why you should never forget to take out the trash in the morning or after dinner. While completing this chore, give your trash can a quick wipe with an antibacterial wipe to keep germs at bay. To keep the amount of litter under control, you can also put a separate trash can in each room at home – the bedroom, the bathroom or even the home office space.
- Put stuff away – you know that clutter is tough to deal with and to keep it at bay, you need to put your things away once you are done using them. It’s a task concerning mainly stuff of daily use. Make sure your kids are well-familiar with this rule as well, to prevent clutter from appearing.
Remember to address these quick cleaning jobs every day and you will manage to preserve your home sparkly clean for a long time.
© London Domestic Cleaners