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How to Clean Your Mattress – An In-depth Guide

If you enjoy the prospect of living in a healthy environment, you have to put in the effort of keeping all items in your home clean and tidy. The more often you clean, the quicker and easier your subsequent sessions will become. So far, so good, right? There is, however, one item which often gets overlooked – the mattress. This all-important piece of bedding is directly responsible for the quality of your rest at night, as well as the overall air quality in your bedroom.



“But my mattress doesn’t seem dirty” – one might argue. But this argument is flawed – just as with everything else related to cleaning, you simply cannot afford to wait for your mattress to get visibly dirty before getting around to cleaning it. Dirt and germs build up 24/7 but only become visible to the naked eye once an item is completely covered by a thick layer of dust. By that point, you’ve already been exposed to their damaging influence for days or possibly – even weeks! So, remember – just because your mattress looks comfy and plushy doesn’t mean that it can’t use an extra cleaning session!


Still not convinced?


Here are 3 reasons to clean your mattress right now:


  1. Improved air quality – we spend about a third of our entire lifespan asleep, and most of that is in the confines of our bedrooms. Therefore, maintaining good air quality should be one of your first priorities, especially if you are a health-minded individual. If your mattress isn’t properly cleaned, every time you turn in your sleep, you will be pushing dust particles in the air and breathing them in.
  2. Keep allergies in check – closely related to the above point, allergies are often irritated by poor air quality and dust mites. And seeing how dust mites are very likely to pick your mattress as their base of operations, you should be twice as motivated to clean it as often as possible, lest you give in to the allergies. Dust mites have also been linked to ailments like asthma, rhinitis, eczema and more!
  3. Protect your investment – good mattresses don’t come cheap. Neglecting the cleaning needs of your mattress can drastically shorten its expected lifespan, cause staining, bad smells, or, in some extreme cases - even pest infestations.


How to Clean your mattress – a Step-by-step guide


Step 1 – Strip the bed

Begin your mattress cleaning session by removing all pillows and decorations and working your way down – toys, blankets and linens. Take a minute to evaluate the state of your linens and pillowcases and decide whether they need washing – chances are that they do. Put them in the washing machine, as per the label instructions.


Step 2 – Vacuuming

Take out your trusty vacuum cleaner, snap on the upholstery attachment and get to vacuuming. This will ensure that you get rid of the larger debris as well as the majority of dust and dirt on the surface of your mattress. Don’t forget to vacuum the edges of the bed, as well as the mattress piping.


Step 3 – Check for spills

If there are any fresh spills on your mattress, you want to get them out immediately. Grab a clean cloth and some water and start blotting. Just as with carpet and upholstery cleaning, you want to blot instead of rubbing to avoid pushing the stains deeper into the fabric.


Step 4 – Spot cleaning

To get rid of any spots on your mattress, you can use a mixture of 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide to 1 tablespoon of dish soap. Grab an old (but clean!) toothbrush and gently scrub the stains. After you’re done, wipe away any leftovers with a clean and damp cloth.


Step 5 – Deodorise

Now comes the time for odour removal. This is best done with the help of baking soda – no need for fancy commercial cleaners! Liberally sprinkle your mattress with baking soda and let it do its thing for about half an hour. You can use this time to check on your linens in the washing machine. Then, simply vacuum the soda away.


Step 6 – Air it out

Let your mattress breathe some fresh air by opening the windows. This will ensure that there’s no remaining moisture as well as aid in further deodorisation.

Keeping your mattress safe


There are a few more tricks to keeping your mattress safe beyond simple cleaning sessions. Here’s what you can do:


  • Mattress protectors – these protective covers serve to protect your mattress from stains, spills, sweat and, to a lesser extent – odours. If your mattress didn’t’ come equipped with a protector, it’s highly recommended that you invest in one. Very easy to apply and maintain, a protector will ensure that your mattress will serve you for years to come!
  • Flipping – If your mattress doesn’t have a designated upper side, it’s a good idea to flip it every now and then. Experts agree that the average mattress should be flipped once every three months to avoid excessive wear and tear.
  • Change your linens often – the longer a given set of linens remains unwashed, the more time sweat stains and odours have to afflict your mattress. It’s recommended that you wash and change your linens every week, or, if you’ve got pets or young children, twice a week at the very least.


The finishing touch


Once your mattress is thoroughly cleaned, and you’ve got your fresh set of linens and pillowcases, you’ve only got one last check to perform before you put your bed back together. Take a couple of minutes to feel your mattress for moisture carefully – excessive moisture can lead to mould formations and permanent damage.

If everything’s in order, then it’s time to put the bed back together. Start from the fitted sheets and work your way back up, reversing the procedure in Step 1.


© London Domestic Cleaners